Básicamente juegas por ronda un partido de liga y si quieres, puedes jugar amistosos que te permiten adquirir experiencia y dinero, a la hora que tienes que afrontar bajas.Página 52 del Manual de Dreadball escribió:Once everyone has a game sorted out and the MVPs have been auctioned off, then you can get playing. This game is the one that will count for league wins and losses. However, if you are keen you can play more than one game in a round. These extra games are called friendlies. They help to build up the abilities of your players and therefore your team ranking, though they don’t count towards your wins and losses in the league. You can organise friendlies in any way you like – I
find it’s best to be informal and just let people sort this out themselves. The only rule I’d suggest is not letting a team play the same opponent twice in a row. You can also play friendlies before or after your official league match if you want – the order is not that important as long as you play your league match at some point during the round. The only thing you do need to do is ensure that you both know whether it’s a league or friendly match you are playing before you start.
This system is the best of both structured and freeform worlds. By having one game a round organised you gain a structure for the league, and by letting people play as many as they like you are able to avoid the faster and more enthusiastic players getting frustrated when they have to wait for others who may simply have less free time. In general, teams that play more have an advantage in experience and cash and so are higher ranked. This may or may not be seen as a problem. In some groups it’s seen as rather unfair if some people have more chance to play than others and win through simple numbers of games. Of course, if someone had lots of gaming time they could even play two different teams in the same league and play one match with each per round!
Con lo del dinero se podría decir que un amistoso te de menos dinero (por ejemplo 1D3 + FAMA).
¿Creéis que se podría adaptar al Blood Bowl? ¿Qué problemas véis?