
Cualquier pregunta que te venga a la cabeza sobre nuestro juego, tiene cabida en este foro. Adelante, ¡dispara!

Moderador: Admins

Mensajes: 381
Registrado: Jue May 28, 2009 10:48 pm
Ubicación: In the North!

Mensaje por Dopkal »

El rollo de starplayers solo... yo no lo tengo pero hace tiempo hice una subida con los reglamentos, y total, para lo que ocupan... Te pongo los links aquí aunque también los encontraras en la sección de reglamento.

Te vale cualquiera de los 2 :wink:
Mensajes: 1246
Registrado: Mar Ene 31, 2006 8:31 pm
#NAF: 8759
Ubicación: Complutum

Mensaje por malkav »

Yo lo tengo, te lo pongo aqui, porque al ser solo texto no creo que ocupe mucho.

LRB 6.0 Star Players
Barik Farblast - Dwarf with shoulder cannon
Bertha Bigfist - Female Ogre
Brick Far'th & Grotty - Ogre Thrower and Goblin sidekick
Bomber Dribblesnot - Goblin bomb thrower
Boomer Eziasson - Dwarf bomb/grenade thrower
Count Luthor Von Drakenborg - Vampire
Deeproot Strongbranch - Treeman
Dolfar Longstride - Wood Elf Kicker
Eldril Sidewinder - Elf Lineman mutated from a Chaos Cup win
Fezglitch - Skaven Plague Censor Bearer
Flint Churnblade - Dwarf with Chainsaw
Fungus the Loon - Goblin Fanatic w/Ball and Chain
Glart Smashrip Jr. - Mutated Skaven Blitzer .. son of famous 1st edition star by same name
Grashnak Blackhoof - Minotaur
Griff Oberwald - Human Blitzer
Grim Ironjaw - Troll Slayer
Hack Enslash - Skeleton with Chainsaw
Hakflem Skuttlespike - Skaven Gutter Runner
Headsplitter - Skaven Rat Ogre
Helmut Wulf - Human Lineman with Chainsaw
Hemlock - Skink with hidden dagger
Horkon Heartripper - Master Dark Elf Assassin
Hthark the Unstoppable - Bull Centaur
Hubris Rakarth - Dark Elf Blitzer
Humerus Carpal - Khemri Catch-Ra
Icepelt Hammerblow - Ice Troll mutated from Chaos Cup win
Ithaca Benoin - Dark Elf Runner for the Darkside Cowboys who wandered out to relieve himself after a night of celebration during an away game in Khemri. He become lost and was trapped by a sudden sandstorm. Believed lost his team returned home without him.
His sand bleached bones where discovered and using ancient rituals he was brought back to play once more. Ithaca was different however and has enough of his original spirit still in him that he is willing to freelance for his original race as well as the Khemri teams that recovered him.
J Earlice - Necromantic Ghoul
Jordell Freshbreeze - Wardancer
Lord Borak the Despoiler - Chaos Warrior
Lottabottol - Slann Blitzer
Mad Max - Chaos Marauder who lived his life on the border with Sylvania and grew up fascinated with the Vampire Counts. He has dedicated his life to building up his
resistance to pain and his endurance and with lifelong relations with Vampires he has actually gained some of their powers and can now heal most injuries he suffers.
Max Spleenripper - Chaos Warrior with Chainsaw
Mighty Zug - Human Lineman mega-thug
Morg ‘n’ Thorg - The Ogre star of all time
Nobbla Blackwart - Goblin with Chainsaw
Prince Moranion - High Elf Blitzer
Puggy Baconbreath - Halfling
Quetzal Leap - Slann Catcher
Ramtut III - Tomb Guardian / Mummy
Rashnak Backstabber - Hobgoblin Sneaky Git
Ripper - Troll
Roxanna Darknail - Witch Elf
Scrappa Sorehead - Goblin Pogoer
Setekh - Blitz-Ra
Sinnedbad - Skeleton with a sword for an arm
Slibli - Saurus
Skitter Stab-Stab - Skaven with daggers
Soaren Hightower - High Elf Thrower
Ugroth Bolgrot - Orc with Chainsaw
Varag Ghoul-Chewer - Orc Blitzer
Wilhelm Chaney - Necromatic Werewolf
Willow Rosebark - Dryad
Zara the Slayer - Amazon Blitzer raised by Dwarves to be the ultimate slayer of the Undead
Zzharg Madeye - Chaos Dwarf with Blunderbuss
Dale fuego a un elfo y estará caliente un día... pero préndele fuego y estará caliente el resto de su vida.
Mensajes: 381
Registrado: Jue May 28, 2009 10:48 pm
Ubicación: In the North!

Mensaje por Dopkal »

:shock: Curioso el documento, no conocía su existencia. Aunque sea de la 6.0 falta alguno ¿no?. Lo digo porque a mi en el Legacy me toca hacer la miniatura de "Crazy Igor" y aquí no sale.
Mensajes: 305
Registrado: Jue Abr 23, 2009 12:55 pm

Mensaje por Fnord »

En esa lista faltan algunos Star Players que se han añadido en la 6.0

Si te sirve de algo, el background "semi-oficial" de Crazy Igor es el siguiente (digo semioficial porque Guorkshop ha parado la iniciativa de TFF de crear la historia de todos los Star Players, pero el trabajo está ya hecho y disponible en el foro):

Crazy Igor is one of the most shrouded figures in the game of Blood Bowl. Not only are his whereabouts covered in shadows, there's also hardly anyone who dares to ask him about it, not that they would get much of an answer as Igor rarely drops more than a few incomprehensible words which normally end in a nauseous groan, not necessarily coming from Igor. All that is known about him is that this Chaos Marauder, for what reason ever, took a fancy in Vampires.
Igor is one of those players who developed an suicidal attitude about everything and throws himself ferociously at everyone moving too close to one of his beloved masters. Unforgettable is his assault at the Star Ogre Gnok'hargle Gnush when he pierced his teeth so deeply into the Ogres arm that Gnok was unable to shake him of and carried him around, dangling from his arm, for about half the match.
But beside his totally insane aproach towards the game his real treat, as the inside word says, is his iron like condition which favours him so much among Vampire teams. In fact an entire Vampire team can suck on Igor without leaving so much as a mark. Rumours have it that Igor was bitten so often during his career that some of the mystical healing powers of the Vampires has spread onto him. And as Igor always has been a tough nut from the start, this feature makes him almost indestructible. More than one Ogre wet his pants when this crazy, Vampire devoted lunatic, he just managed to stomp into the ground, returns storming from the dug out screaming for more.

En resumen: Es un Marauder del Caos obsesionado con los vampiros.
Mensajes: 381
Registrado: Jue May 28, 2009 10:48 pm
Ubicación: In the North!

Mensaje por Dopkal »

valla tela... me ha cambiado completamente el concepto que tenia de él :?

Yo tenía pensado representarlo como un siervo... en plan el jorobado de Notre Dame pero en versión psicópata. Y ahora van y me dicen que es un marauder :lol:
Última edición por Dopkal el Jue Feb 11, 2010 1:29 pm, editado 1 vez en total.
Mensajes: 1246
Registrado: Mar Ene 31, 2006 8:31 pm
#NAF: 8759
Ubicación: Complutum

Mensaje por malkav »

Por si interesa también:
En TFF, lanrover posteo hace tiempo una lista de los Star Players con los links a las figuras de GW que en su opinion (y en la de los que van posteando despues) mas se adaptarían al personaje.
Personalmente no me gusta demasiado, ya que se limita a figuras de GW cuando hay otras de otras compañias muchísimo mejores tanto en correspondencia con transfondo como en calidad de la miniatura.
Sin embargo, si puede servir para dar ideas...
landrover escribió: Star Player: suggested GW mini
Barik Farblast: Ebay to get 2nd edition Barik Farblast
Bertha Bigfist: Convert an Ogre Cheerleader or a Female Maneater
Brick Far'th & Grotty: Ogre Thrower
Bomber Dribblesnot: Goblin Team Secret Weapons or Bomber Dribblesnot
Boomer Eziasson: Boomer Eziasson
Count Luthor von Drakenborg: Count Luthor von Drakenborg
Crazy Igor: Goliath Gang (miniatures on far left) - weapons snipped or a 3rd edition plastic Human Lineman or Vampire Thrall (painted differently from your team)
Deeproot Strongbranch: Thickroot Strongbranch
Dolfar Longstride: Ebay to get 2nd edition Elf Kicker #1 or Ebay to get 2nd edition Elf Kicker #2
Eldril Sidewinder: Ebay to get 2nd edition Eldril Sidewinder
Fezglitch: Plague Censor Priest or Plague Censor Bearers
Flint Churnblade: Flint Churnblade
Fungus the Loon: Goblin Team Secret Weapons or Fungus the Loon
Glart Smashrip Jr.: Skaven Mutants 1
Grashnak Blackhoof: Minotaur or Ebay for 3rd Edition Grashnak Blackhoof
Griff Oberwald: Griff Oberwald
Grim Ironjaw: Grim Ironjaw
Hack Enslash: Hack Enslash
Hakflem Skuttlespike: Hakflem Skuttlespike
Headsplitter: Head Splitter
Helmut Wolf: Ebay to get 2nd edition Helmut Wolf
Hemlock: Lizardmen Tehenhauin, Prophet of Sotek or Lizardmen Skink Regiment (use one with a dagger)
Horkon Heartripper: Horkon Heartripper
Hthark the Unstoppable: Hthark the Unstoppable
Hubris Rakarth: Hubris Rakarth
Humerus Carpal: BB Khemri Skeleton with arms repositioned up.
Icepelt Hammerblow: Ogre Kingdoms Yhetee
Ithaca Benoin: BB Dark Elf Thrower ... drill out the face and replace with a plastic skeleton face from Vampire Counts WFB range
J Earlice: Strigoi Vampire #3 or Paint up a BB Undead/Necro Ghoul in a different colour scheme than your team
Jordell Freshbreeze: Jordell Freshbreeze
Lewdgrip Whiparm: Lewdgrip Whiparm
Lord Borak the Despoiler: Chaos Khorne Champion (remove weapons) or Ebay for 3rd Edition Lord Borak the Despoiler
Lottabottol: Kroot Shaper
Max Spleenripper: Ebay for 2nd edition Max Spleenripper
Mighty Zug: Mighty Zug
Morg 'n' Thorg: Morg 'N Thorg
Nobbla Blackwart: Goblin Team Secret Weapons or Nobbla Blackwart
Prince Moranion: Prince Moranion
Puggy Baconbreath: Ebay for 2nd edition Puggy Baconbreath
Quetzal Leap: Chameleon Stalker (cut off tail and weapons)
Ramtut III: Ebay for LRB edition Ramtut III
Rashnak Backstabber: Ebay for WFB OOP Hobgoblin Sneaky Git
Ripper: Ripper Bolgrot
Roxanna Darknail: Dark Eldar Wych Succubus or paint up a Blood Bowl Witch Elf in a colour scheme not matching your team
Scrappa Sorehead: Goblin Team Secret Weapons or Scrappa Sorehead
Setekh: Settra or Tomb Guard Command (middle figure in image)
Sinnedbad: Pirate of Sartosa (drill out gun, cut off back banner, cut left hand off, cut sword at hilt and attach to left arm)
Slibli: Silibili
Skitter Stab-Stab: Skaven Assassin with Claws or Deathmaster Snikch or Skaven Assassin with Twin Blades or Ebay for Skitter Stab-Stab
Soaren Hightower: Ebay for 2nd edition Elf Thrower #2
Ugroth Bolgrot: Ebay for 2nd edition Ugroth Bolgrot
Varag Ghoul-Chewer: Varag Ghoul-Chewer
Wilhelm Chaney: Ebay for 2nd Edition Wilhelm Chaney
Willow Rosebark: Wood Elf Drycha, Branchwraith or Wood Elf Dryads
Zara the Slayer: Ebay for LRB edition Zara the Slayer
Zzharg Madeye: Ebay for WFB OOP Chaos Dwarf Blunderbuss

Some of these star players already have miniatures on sale. Others no longer have their miniatures on GW's shopping list, most likely they were 2ed or 3ed minis.

Dale fuego a un elfo y estará caliente un día... pero préndele fuego y estará caliente el resto de su vida.
Mensajes: 21
Registrado: Dom Sep 20, 2009 6:24 pm
Ubicación: malaga

Re: StarPlayers_LRB6.pdf

Mensaje por loboiberico »

Lo primero muchas gracias por tan magnificos cuadros. Y me podriais indicar en que parte del foro si estuvieran las fichas de los star player, como salian en la tercera edicion, con sus atributos, equipos y características especiales.
Mensajes: 1845
Registrado: Mar Dic 12, 2006 10:17 pm
#NAF: 10502
Ubicación: Mángala

Re: StarPlayers_LRB6.pdf

Mensaje por Cabezacubo »

De eso hace tiempo que no hay.