Gazperz Banned de TFF

¿Donde puedo conseguir esta miniatura? ¿Has visto el nuevo troll de nosequien?

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Registrado: Vie Mar 06, 2009 9:46 am
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Re: Gazperz Banned de TFF

Mensaje por valentsigma »

Los shinchanes vuelven a atormentarme.....haga lo que haga vuelven a por mi hilo tras hilo...... :shock: :? :shock:

Bah, la verdad es que realmente da un poco igual lo que quieran censurar. Por un lado son el foro decano en el Blood Bowl de manera internacional, pero por otro también es un foro al que le ocurre lo mismo que a muchos otros que he visto, que mucha gente los visita, pero siempre postean los mismos y de los mismo.

La sección de minis es más variada porque la gente muestra sus cosas, pero el resto tiran una y otra vez de los mismos temas (algunos de ellos kilométricos), y como ya se ha dicho, aquí también sacamos las novedades al mismo tiempo y se habla un poco de todo sin ningún problema.

Yo pasaría de hacer ningún escrito ya que sólo serviría para separar y polarizar a la gente ("uy, mira, españoles de esos raros que no están de acuerdo con que censuremos las opiniones de los demás"), y si ya estereotipan bastante, lo harían más.

Ahora, que si se hace el escrito lo firmo, eso ya os lo digo, porque no me parece normal lo que han hecho, sobre todo porque al final es una censura de buen rollo en plan " te censuro, pero poco, pero te muevo el hilo, pero no promociones a Gaspez, pero sí que puedes postear tus minis" :mrgreen:
Foro de Blood Bowl Online

Shinchanes noooooo XDD


Equipo Mejor Pintado - Mighty Blow Bowl I // Equipo Mejor Pintado - Mighty Blow Bowl II //Equipo Punching Bag - Mighty Blow Bowl II XDDD
Mensajes: 172
Registrado: Jue Ene 12, 2006 1:18 am

Re: Gazperz Banned de TFF

Mensaje por GalakStarscraper »

tzoscey escribió:yo sigo con mi teoria de la mano negra... ¿no os parece raro que siendo galak el maximo afectado y administrador de TFF no lo haya firmado? xD mantener las apariencias diria yo :twisted:

nota: la teoria de la mano negra son "detalles" graciosos que no suponen ninguna prueba ya qe seguramente todo se debe a los aliens (o al lado guay del BB) y como tal se debe tomar con el sentido de humor apropiado sin tomarlo demasiado en serio
:lol: I think Google translated this pretty well. So I see it is in joke and appreciate it.

Just in case anyone thinks the first statement is true ... I've stayed out of this matter on TFF because there is no way I could remove bias from my decisions. That's why TFF has 9 other moderators. So I've not commented because its just not proper for me to be involved with the decision.

I'm trying to handle what has been a bad situation as professionally and calm as possible. Your mileage my vary how well I'm doing. The Moderators on TFF told me they were going to sign the announcement so it was clear who all was endorsing it.

So this forum is receiving the only public statement I plan on making on this. As I've said before we have no ill will towards Gaspez ... I still wish we could fix all this and go back to the point where I was preparing my next order with them to stock in the store. Instead I'll be sending a stocking order to a new company that we do not currently carry by tomorrow.

Jugador Estrella
Jugador Estrella
Mensajes: 4807
Registrado: Vie Mar 24, 2006 10:27 pm
#NAF: 15415
Ubicación: Vitoria

Re: Gazperz Banned de TFF

Mensaje por txapo »

GalakStarscraper escribió:
tzoscey escribió:yo sigo con mi teoria de la mano negra... ¿no os parece raro que siendo galak el maximo afectado y administrador de TFF no lo haya firmado? xD mantener las apariencias diria yo :twisted:

nota: la teoria de la mano negra son "detalles" graciosos que no suponen ninguna prueba ya qe seguramente todo se debe a los aliens (o al lado guay del BB) y como tal se debe tomar con el sentido de humor apropiado sin tomarlo demasiado en serio
:lol: I think Google translated this pretty well. So I see it is in joke and appreciate it.

Just in case anyone thinks the first statement is true ... I've stayed out of this matter on TFF because there is no way I could remove bias from my decisions. That's why TFF has 9 other moderators. So I've not commented because its just not proper for me to be involved with the decision.

I'm trying to handle what has been a bad situation as professionally and calm as possible. Your mileage my vary how well I'm doing. The Moderators on TFF told me they were going to sign the announcement so it was clear who all was endorsing it.

So this forum is receiving the only public statement I plan on making on this. As I've said before we have no ill will towards Gaspez ... I still wish we could fix all this and go back to the point where I was preparing my next order with them to stock in the store. Instead I'll be sending a stocking order to a new company that we do not currently carry by tomorrow.

Creo que google me ha traducido esto bien... Así que entiendo que el comentario es en broma y lo aprecio.

Me he mantenido al margen en TFF por que de lo contrario no podría evitar las mal interpretaciones de mis decisiones. Por eso TFF tiene otros 9 moderadores. Tampoco he comentado nada por que no me parece propio ser parte de la decisión.

Estoy intentando llevar lo que ha sido una mala situación tan profesionalmente y calmado como es posible. Sois libres de pensar que no está siendo así, pero ese es mi punto de vista. Los moderadores de TFF me dijeron que lo iban a firmar para que quedara claro quien estaba detrás de la decisión y quien no.

De modo que este foro va a recibir la única intervención pública que voy ha realizar en este asunto. Como ya he dicho antes no deseo ningún mal a Gasperz... Y sigo desando que pudiera volver al punto inicial en que estaba preparando un mi próximo pedido a Gasperz para tener en mi tienda. En vez de eso estoy preparando un pedido que haré mañana para empezar a trabajar con una empresa nueva con la que no trabajaba hasta la fecha.
Última edición por txapo el Jue Dic 16, 2010 2:37 pm, editado 2 veces en total.
Mensajes: 172
Registrado: Jue Ene 12, 2006 1:18 am

Re: Gazperz Banned de TFF

Mensaje por GalakStarscraper »

txapo ... you didn't translate: "So I see it is in joke and appreciate it." :wink:
Mensajes: 1764
Registrado: Jue Dic 27, 2007 3:30 pm
#NAF: 13213

Re: Gazperz Banned de TFF

Mensaje por tzoscey »

si vas a traducir hazlo bien, sino te caeran los capones
tranquilo creo que todos entendemos que has comprendido la broma xD

a txapo le faltaba traducir en la primera frase:
"lo veo como una broma y lo comprendo (lo como en consideracion)"
Última edición por tzoscey el Jue Dic 16, 2010 2:22 pm, editado 1 vez en total.
"Sangre a la Sangre"
"Soy el Rey del Empate" xD
NAF : 13213
Jugador Estrella
Jugador Estrella
Mensajes: 4807
Registrado: Vie Mar 24, 2006 10:27 pm
#NAF: 15415
Ubicación: Vitoria

Re: Gazperz Banned de TFF

Mensaje por txapo »

GalakStarscraper escribió:txapo ... you didn't translate: "So I see it is in joke and appreciate it." :wink:
sorted chief!! Now you can understand why the spanish army books I did translate for GW are a page shorter that the original ones!!!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Can you please explain the meaning of the sentence i left in italics so i can traslate it? I've never seen before that word.
Mensajes: 1764
Registrado: Jue Dic 27, 2007 3:30 pm
#NAF: 13213

Re: Gazperz Banned de TFF

Mensaje por tzoscey »

vuestra vision me indica lo bien que lo estoy haciendo seria el sentido que creo uqe galak intenta darle a la frase.. mileage es kilometraje como verbo tomar partido

ahora entiendo porque habia traducciones de los codex que no se entienden xD
¿no teniais correctores trabajando para la abuela Wendy?
"Sangre a la Sangre"
"Soy el Rey del Empate" xD
NAF : 13213
Mensajes: 172
Registrado: Jue Ene 12, 2006 1:18 am

Re: Gazperz Banned de TFF

Mensaje por GalakStarscraper »

Sorry ... "your mileage may vary" is a USA expression.

See on our cars in the USA the car salesman has to put a sticker on each new car that says how many miles the car can go on one gallon of gasoline (translated: km per litre of petrol). However right under this it always says on the sticker: "your mileage may vary" (in other words when you buy the car it might not actually give you that number when you drive because you drive it differently then the company calculating the number).

Since this is on every new car sticker here it has become an expression in the USA meaning that when a person makes a statement that they think is true that the perceptions of the people hearing it may differ greatly from what is stated.

In other words ... I believe I've tried to be professional and calm during this whole event but members of BBForo may believe something very different as they have intrepreted the events of the last 2 weeks and by me saying "your mileage may vary" ... that is a way of saying ... "I understand that some/many of you might not agree with me on this and that is okay".

Mensajes: 1764
Registrado: Jue Dic 27, 2007 3:30 pm
#NAF: 13213

Re: Gazperz Banned de TFF

Mensaje por tzoscey »

we understood it, galak

txapo, tio, que le llames jefe Chief, no te hace parecer menos parcial xD
y si no entiendes algo ... escribele por privado xD o usa un traductor/diccionario xD
"Sangre a la Sangre"
"Soy el Rey del Empate" xD
NAF : 13213
Jugador Estrella
Jugador Estrella
Mensajes: 4807
Registrado: Vie Mar 24, 2006 10:27 pm
#NAF: 15415
Ubicación: Vitoria

Re: Gazperz Banned de TFF

Mensaje por txapo »

I translate it freely as: Sois libres de pensar que no está siendo así, pero ese es mi punto de vista.

Troszey: pasa de mi tio!!! :surprised: :surprised: :surprised: :surprised:

como bien dicen los italianos: tradutore e traditore!!! Y yo siempre he sido un traductor parcial!!! Que vivo en mi objetiva subjetividad!!!
Mensajes: 1061
Registrado: Vie Ago 08, 2008 12:05 am

Re: Gazperz Banned de TFF

Mensaje por vaki20 »

Mephisto escribió:
vaki20 escribió:Yo ya debo estar baneado de TFF, porque solo tengo un mensaje en su foro y encima es comentando una foto del equipo del pacto del caos... :twisted:
todos sabemos que vaki en realidad es un seudónimo que usa gaspez para publicitar sus productos :twisted: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Tienes razon me has pillado :mrgreen:
Mephisto escribió: Aquí se está discutiendo sin problemas pq todos mantenemos el tono y pq la cosa no nos afecta directamente... espera que salga algo que si que afecte directamente y ya verás la que tenemos aquí... dentro de lo malo, estas cosas dan vidilla al foro... :lol:
Hombre, mas que vidilla, da comidilla pero bueno... es una pena que se acuse sin pruebas, pero esto de que sea un juego que atrae a muchos aficionados, hace que cada uno quiera su parcela de poder, y surjan controversias siempre...
txapo escribió:
vaki20 escribió:Yo ya debo estar baneado de TFF, porque solo tengo un mensaje en su foro y encima es comentando una foto del equipo del pacto del caos... :twisted:
Bueno pues el hilo de tu equipo ha sido desbaneado, lo que he aprovechado para hacerte publicidad. A ver si levantamos la balanza de pagos nacional gracias a tu pincel!!!
Txapo, por la presente, te nombro embajador de RN estudio ;)
tzoscey escribió:tranquilo valki han recuperado tu post xD
al menos parte de la injusticia, ya se ha corregido, supongo que alguien de los qe hacen caso protesto y al menos eso lo cambiaron
Menos mal! sino no iba a postear mas :twisted:
Leyenda del BB
Leyenda del BB
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Registrado: Dom Jul 17, 2005 10:19 pm
#NAF: 7407
Ubicación: El Prat, también conocido por "el Mónaco Español"

Re: Gazperz Banned de TFF

Mensaje por Pakulkan »

Galak, we are with you. We appreciatte so much how you're managing all that stuff, and we not understand nor share Gaspez actions.


Here are some persons that think (me included) that delete messages with comments about one company minis is not worthy. We assume that we have right to make comments about Gaspez stuff, whithout supporting them at all. The same that happened with GW, which were responsibles for the TBB closing and we can talk about they yet.

You're supported by the vast majority of spanish forum. But we think that things don't will mess up more with that kind of moderators actions. You're right, Gaspez is getting all that he deserved, is not necessary to go further.
Mi voz de flamer es rosa

In twenty two years playing Bloodbowl...
Mensajes: 1764
Registrado: Jue Dic 27, 2007 3:30 pm
#NAF: 13213

Re: Gazperz Banned de TFF

Mensaje por tzoscey »

Pakulkan escribió:Galak, we are with you. We appreciatte so much how you're managing all that stuff, and we not understand nor share Gaspez actions.


Here are some persons that think (me included) that delete messages with comments about one company minis is not worthy. We assume that we have right to make comments about Gaspez stuff, whithout supporting them at all. The same that happened with GW, which were responsibles for the TBB closing and we can talk about they yet.

You're supported by the vast majority of spanish forum. But we think that things don't will mess up more with that kind of moderators actions. You're right, Gaspez is getting all that he deserved, is not necessary to go further.
que digo
+ millones y millones

pakulkan es mi profeta xD
"Sangre a la Sangre"
"Soy el Rey del Empate" xD
NAF : 13213
Mensajes: 172
Registrado: Jue Ene 12, 2006 1:18 am

Re: Gazperz Banned de TFF

Mensaje por GalakStarscraper »

Pakulkan escribió:Here are some persons that think (me included) that delete messages with comments about one company minis is not worthy. We assume that we have right to make comments about Gaspez stuff, whithout supporting them at all. The same that happened with GW, which were responsibles for the TBB closing and we can talk about they yet.
To be clear you can still talk about Gaspez stuff on TFF. The announcement that the moderators made last night is that they will no longer allow free advertising for Gaspez on TFF.

So a new post like "New Amazon players from Gaspez" would be removed. However if someone is talking about about Halflings teams and wondered if there were cool and different figures to us for them and you post that you really like the Gaspez Pygmy team ... that will be fine and not removed.

Basically the only thing restricted is the ability for TFF to be used to openly advertise for Gaspez as I understand it from the moderators. So I think with the new announcement that there is not restriction really on free speech. To be honest ... I'm happy it was toned down last night. I didn't like the Word Censor on the word Gaspez and I'm not a fan of restricting free speech in general. I do think TFF has the right to control who can and cannot advertise on their site (for example I'm a member of the Zlurpee Forums and they have a standing rule that no company should use the forums for free advertising for new products ... I've never thought that was a restriction of free speech.)

I do agree with valentsigma's closing line at the top of this page ... "what a mess" (as Google translated it). There were dozens of ways for us not to end up hear and I'd like to think I tried at least half of them :roll: to avoid it ... but we still landed here.

So I agree ... interfering with free speech is not a good thing ... but I do think a forum has the right to control free advertising if they do not feel the advertised products are appropriate. I know I've deleted posts on the Impact! forums when a competitor of mine came in and started telling folks to purchase his products instead of ours. Did I restrict his free speech ... yes ... we do allow advertising of competitors stuff on our forums as part of supporting the community but not when its a blantent attack ad so we told him he could not do that. He posted again the same way and we banned him.

I only throw all these thoughts out to try and seperate free speech and discussion and free advertising/commercial activity. So Pakulkan, I don't think most of the folks on BBForo will find any change to how TFF works for them in regards to Gaspez as I don't think any of you posted new product announcements for the company on the site.

TO BE CLEAR!!!!: I'm NOT defending or supporting what is going on at TFF ... nor am I saying it should not have happened. I really am trying to stay out of this. What I'm posting here is an explanation of what the ban really means as a better explanation ... that is all. Hope this helps.

Mensajes: 172
Registrado: Jue Ene 12, 2006 1:18 am

Re: Gazperz Banned de TFF

Mensaje por GalakStarscraper »

Sorry that my posts are so long. I type 80 words per a minute so when I post its like I'm talking. I'll try to be shorter with my posts so any translators don't start hating me. :lol: