Clonación de miniaturas !!!!!

¿Donde puedo conseguir esta miniatura? ¿Has visto el nuevo troll de nosequien?

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Registrado: Jue Dic 27, 2007 3:30 pm
#NAF: 13213

Re: Clonación de miniaturas !!!!!

Mensaje por tzoscey »

sobre el tema parece que galak ha recibido tambien la sensacion que se refieren a ellos ... 23&t=32276

juas .. leeros tambien las respuestas de rolljordan xD que esto se pone divertido xD
"Sangre a la Sangre"
"Soy el Rey del Empate" xD
NAF : 13213
Mensajes: 166
Registrado: Mar Oct 19, 2010 10:22 am
#NAF: 15374
Ubicación: La Pérfida Albión

Re: Clonación de miniaturas !!!!!

Mensaje por Hackerbunny »

tzoscey escribió:juas .. leeros tambien las respuestas de rolljordan xD que esto se pone divertido xD
Voy a por palomitas...
Hackerbunny, anteriormente conocido como Fnord.

Perpetrador del fantabuloso Tratado de Hackerbunny-Fnord sobre la probabilidad y el Blood Bowl
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Registrado: Mar May 29, 2007 4:32 pm
#NAF: 11535
Ubicación: En un bar

Re: Clonación de miniaturas !!!!!

Mensaje por Chou »

tzoscey escribió:sobre el tema parece que galak ha recibido tambien la sensacion que se refieren a ellos ... 23&t=32276

juas .. leeros tambien las respuestas de rolljordan xD que esto se pone divertido xD
juuuu, que no tengo usuario para poder leerlo! :cry:

podrías poner algún pantallazo por aquí, please?
Mi voz de admin es roja.
Mensajes: 366
Registrado: Dom Feb 22, 2009 5:31 pm
#NAF: 12715
Ubicación: Xustabrada Madrid

Re: Clonación de miniaturas !!!!!

Mensaje por revell »

El que lo vaya leyendo que nos vaya haciendo resúmenes a los que no podemos leerlo, xD

NAF: 12715
Mensajes: 166
Registrado: Mar Oct 19, 2010 10:22 am
#NAF: 15374
Ubicación: La Pérfida Albión

Re: Clonación de miniaturas !!!!!

Mensaje por Hackerbunny »

El lio se complica, porque el post de Fabio quejandose de la clonación y acusando veladamente a Impact se ha reenviado a traves de la lista de correo de Rolljordan, y en Rolljordan no saben como ha sucedido. Dicen que ha sido un fallo tecnico o un "jaker maloso".

Incluyo partes de los posts. (El de Galak es MUY largo)
GalakStarscraper escribió:Several of our customers received this email from Rolljordan and have emailed us asking what was up as we are the only US distributor of Gaspez so unless there is someone else (and we really hope there is) ... it seems aimed at Impact!

Here was the email sent out by Rolljordan and is also posted on the Gaspez main website:
Hi everybody! I am Fabio Gasparini from Gaspez-Arts. Unfortunately with great regret I discovered that an American firm with whom I collaborated and with whom I have no more business relations from July 2010 still sells on its site my products but not original, copied and of scarce quality, with damage of affectionate customers of my miniatures, who receive a product really much more inferior respect to the Gaspez-arts standards. If someone has the suspect to have bought a clonated miniature can send it with a copy of the invoice or of the purchase receipt to Gaspez-arts, who will free substitute what purchased and will add two single miniatures (limited edition excluded) FREE choiced by the customer.
I've had several emails asking what was up because this is a very serious accusation of a criminal nature in the miniatures business. If it is not referring to Impact! ... I want to know who it is because Impact! does not do business with recasters. It is the worst accusation you can make in this business and not one that should be done without really good evidence especially if you are going to send the accusation out to a large email list.

Okay the details:

First ... Impact! has never cast any miniatures in our store that did not have the approval of the sculptor nor will we ever do this.

Second ... we never received an email from Gaspez Arts or Rolljordan asking if this was true or actually any type of information on the matter. We found out when our customers forwarded us the email from Rolljordan to them.
Galak sigue un buen rato contando el tema, y Roll Jordan responde:
rolljordan escribió:I just contacted our webmaster, we are investigating how this email went out. At first glance it seems either that someone has hacked our site or sent out a mass email for our behalf. This has happen in the past but it was only spam. The strange thing is that our original email said: "NEWS from ROLLJORDAN and big discounts for Xmas", the one with Fabio comment has a different title "NEWS from ROLLJORDAN and big discounts for Xmas‏‏"

I spoke with the programmer and he told me that anyone with good programming back ground can do this with ease using an SMTP server or similar, I am not that well educated in the matter. So the email that was mass sent is not ours or from a Rolljordan member. As said we are investigating to find out what happen.

As for Gaspez I saw the post, and if this is true it will be a sad reality. But no name is mentioned, so I will ask him directly today after calling him.

Now all of you guys can start trashing our name again no issue we are used to it.

Thanks to Impact for posting this with out contacting us.

Hackerbunny, anteriormente conocido como Fnord.

Perpetrador del fantabuloso Tratado de Hackerbunny-Fnord sobre la probabilidad y el Blood Bowl
Estrella Emergente
Estrella Emergente
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Registrado: Sab Sep 28, 2002 8:31 pm

Re: Clonación de miniaturas !!!!!

Mensaje por Mephisto »

Hombre... lo del hacker no se... suena como un poco raro... máxime cuando la misma información está en la portada de la web de gaspez no? :roll:

En vez de pelearse podrían sentarse y repartirse los proyectos o colaborar de manera conjunta... economía de escala creo que era el término...
¿No sabes pintar? ¿No tienes tiempo? ¿Te jode que te quiten puntos por no llevar las minis bien pintadas a los torneos? ¿Quieres unas minis resultonas? Conoce el dipping. ¡Vive la revolución!
Dan Titan
Mensajes: 1407
Registrado: Mié Ene 15, 2003 4:46 pm
#NAF: 1147
Ubicación: Jessheim (Noruega)

Re: Clonación de miniaturas !!!!!

Mensaje por Dan Titan »

Several of our customers received this email from Rolljordan and have emailed us asking what was up as we are the only US distributor of Gaspez so unless there is someone else (and we really hope there is) ... it seems aimed at Impact!

Here was the email sent out by Rolljordan and is also posted on the Gaspez main website:
Hi everybody! I am Fabio Gasparini from Gaspez-Arts. Unfortunately with great regret I discovered that an American firm with whom I collaborated and with whom I have no more business relations from July 2010 still sells on its site my products but not original, copied and of scarce quality, with damage of affectionate customers of my miniatures, who receive a product really much more inferior respect to the Gaspez-arts standards. If someone has the suspect to have bought a clonated miniature can send it with a copy of the invoice or of the purchase receipt to Gaspez-arts, who will free substitute what purchased and will add two single miniatures (limited edition excluded) FREE choiced by the customer.

I've had several emails asking what was up because this is a very serious accusation of a criminal nature in the miniatures business. If it is not referring to Impact! ... I want to know who it is because Impact! does not do business with recasters. It is the worst accusation you can make in this business and not one that should be done without really good evidence especially if you are going to send the accusation out to a large email list.

Okay the details:

First ... Impact! has never cast any miniatures in our store that did not have the approval of the sculptor nor will we ever do this.

Second ... we never received an email from Gaspez Arts or Rolljordan asking if this was true or actually any type of information on the matter. We found out when our customers forwarded us the email from Rolljordan to them.

Third ... we purchases a lot of figures from Gaspez over the spring and early summer of this year. They drastically changed their vendor terms and we had issues trying to decide how to continue to carry their range at the new discount level and minimum order size that was required. So we had a lot of Gaspez stock on hand of just two of their teams and no good plan on how to finance getting more.

So Impact! could not afford to stock Gaspez anymore at that time because the profit margin on their items was not high enough compared to other projects that we could invest the money as we too often were getting stuck with single figures that just sit on the shelf (like the Goblins for their Chaos Dwarf team).

The "Eureka" moment came in October when we thought if we only stocked full teams from Gaspez than we could carry their products in our store again and the margin they were offering would not be that bad as it would be on a more expensive item.

However ... small issue ... we needed capital to make that minimum order size. So we looked at the Gaspez stuff we were still sitting on in inventory after a few months and said if we could just sell all this stuff off ... we'd have enough capital to restock Gaspez again in just team sets. So we put the remaining stock on discount to clear it out and make room for a conversion in the future on carrying just Gaspez teams in the store.

Now somewhere along the way ... and since I never heard from them ... I don't know how ... Gaspez decided we were recasting their figures since they were still in the store and Rolljordan decided to broadcast announce to everyone in their mailing list that we were doing it (even if we were not named). Again ... recasting is in my opinion the most serious accusation you can make of another miniatures company especially if you go to extra effort to email everyone with the accusation.

Being perfectly honest if we was going to run Impact! with illegal and reprehensible actions ... we'd recast Gaspez's incredible Bull Centaurs. Those figures are great and always sold very well for us. But if you check the store ... you'll see they are not there and team deal that had both bull centaurs is no longer there. Why? ... because we sold out of the Bull Centaurs as 2 packs and individually sold all the Bull Centaur #2 that allowed me to make the special team pack with both centaurs. In fact, I didn't get to remove the Bull Centaurs from the store fast enough and a customer from Spain bought a 2 pack of them and I paid Alex at Comixininos to ship them to him in order to make sure that that order was properly filled. Why did I not ask Gaspez to ship the order? Because we asked Gaspez if they would drop ship orders for us in situations like this and they told us that due to Italian tax laws they could not drop ship if we had issues with out of stock items. If you look on our forums you'll see that last week there was an inquiry about the Gaspez Bull Centaurs during our holiday sale and I explained that we had sold out. Like I said ... if we were recasting ... those would be the first figures I would have done. Recasting is evil and not something Impact! participates in.

I have immediately sent an email to Fabio at Gaspez to find out why he sent this email out with Rolljordan's help. I wish he would have just asked what the nature of the figures of his we were still selling was and we would have explained. If he had issue with me selling them at a discount to try and gather up funds to restock his merchandise I would have gladly removed the discount and just let them sell off more slowly (which would also delay us making the restocking ordering from him even more ... but that would have been fine by me if this really bothered him.)

Accusations of recasting are really slanderous in this business. I talked on the phone with one of the miniatures news services tonight and he said he's never see an accusation of recasting like this made without photo evidence and normally at least one email to the company to ask them what the nature of the miniatures was first. We would not send out a broadcast email accussing someone of it unless we had a lot of proof that we could post. I'm not sure why Rolljordan and Gaspez did what they did today ... but I've sent off what I hope was a very friendly email to Gaspez to try and figure it all out and get it resolved.

Anyway ... I post this response to answer the emails I'm getting that asked "Did you really do this?" The answer is "no" ... and more importantly for me "not ever".

By the way ... if there really is a company not Impact! that they are talking about ... I'll immediately delete this and issue an apology in this spot. I talked to several professionals in the miniatures business tonight and they all advised us to post this notice everywhere we could since the company is unnamed and so many people are emailing us to ask if it is Impact! they are talking about. I hope it is not ... but if it is ... we were strongly advised to make sure to put out the information on the nature of the figures in our store immediately.

Tom Anders
President - Impact! Miniatures
Basicamente y resumiendo, podemos ver que Galak esta enfadado por unas acusaciones que hacen indicar (Sin decir el nombre de la compañia) que se estaban haciendo copias illegales. El explica que compro muchas cosas en el pasado y que los terminos con ellos cambiaron.

Se escuda que si fueran verdad las acusaciones, entonces habria clonado los Toros centauros que eran los que mas se vendian, comentando un caso en el cual tuvo que hablar con Comixininos (Alex) y que el le saco del apuro. Cuando hablo con Gaspez le dijo que las leyes italianas impedian hacer este tipo de pedidos...

La respuesta:
I just contacted our webmaster, we are investigating how this email went out. At first glance it seems either that someone has hacked our site or sent out a mass email for our behalf. This has happen in the past but it was only spam. The strange thing is that our original email said: "NEWS from ROLLJORDAN and big discounts for Xmas", the one with Fabio comment has a different title "NEWS from ROLLJORDAN and big discounts for Xmas‏‏"

I spoke with the programmer and he told me that anyone with good programming back ground can do this with ease using an SMTP server or similar, I am not that well educated in the matter. So the email that was mass sent is not ours or from a Rolljordan member. As said we are investigating to find out what happen.

As for Gaspez I saw the post, and if this is true it will be a sad reality. But no name is mentioned, so I will ask him directly today after calling him.

Now all of you guys can start trashing our name again no issue we are used to it.

Thanks to Impact for posting this with out contacting us.

Tambien resumimos... Chris hablo con el Webmaster y parece que alguien Hackeo el tema y mando esta informacion ...

Greyhound comenta que le parece que todo es una farsa a lo cual Chris le contesta:
As I can see it, the issue is not really the email but Gaspez post. Also I do know that many of the Impact fans and owners are on our mailing list and it would be a suicide to email something like that out to our customers.

As said we are trying to understand what happen.

Todo apunta a Gaspez. Tambien comenta que sera un suicidio el mandar este tipo de email ya que casi todos los usuarios de Impact tambien lo son de Roll Jordan. El mismo esta intentando averiguar que pasa....
[color=blue][size=150]DIANA "GLU-GLU" TITAN [/color][/size] nacio el 24-10-07 a las 18:20...
Bloodbowleros del mundo temblad... Ya esta aqui la Campeona!!!
Y como dijo Roller: Habeis ganado el premio [color=red][size=150]MAS IMPORTANTE[/color][/size] del mundo!!!
Dan Titan
Mensajes: 1407
Registrado: Mié Ene 15, 2003 4:46 pm
#NAF: 1147
Ubicación: Jessheim (Noruega)

Re: Clonación de miniaturas !!!!!

Mensaje por Dan Titan »

Parece que me estan pisando... :D
[color=blue][size=150]DIANA "GLU-GLU" TITAN [/color][/size] nacio el 24-10-07 a las 18:20...
Bloodbowleros del mundo temblad... Ya esta aqui la Campeona!!!
Y como dijo Roller: Habeis ganado el premio [color=red][size=150]MAS IMPORTANTE[/color][/size] del mundo!!!
Site Admin
Site Admin
Mensajes: 3474
Registrado: Mar May 29, 2007 4:32 pm
#NAF: 11535
Ubicación: En un bar

Re: Clonación de miniaturas !!!!!

Mensaje por Chou »

Pero les dan mucha caña en ese foro a Rolljordan y Gaspez? Porque a mí me parecen que hoy por hoy, hablando de BB, son lo mejor que hay junto con Green Dog Figurines y Willy Miniatures (y estos encima son de aquí, y encima Pako es mi ideólogo y Willy Raulista, no sé que más pedir!).

Acabo de ver el post de Dan...con lo fácil que hubiera sido que lo hubieran hablado todo por privado...
Última edición por Chou el Jue Dic 02, 2010 11:48 am, editado 1 vez en total.
Mi voz de admin es roja.
Mensajes: 166
Registrado: Mar Oct 19, 2010 10:22 am
#NAF: 15374
Ubicación: La Pérfida Albión

Re: Clonación de miniaturas !!!!!

Mensaje por Hackerbunny »

Y se ha quedado el hilo silencioso, cual escena del Oeste Americano.

Pasa un matojo rodante impulsado por el viento...

Están todos vigilandose y esperando el primer disparo...
Hackerbunny, anteriormente conocido como Fnord.

Perpetrador del fantabuloso Tratado de Hackerbunny-Fnord sobre la probabilidad y el Blood Bowl
Site Admin
Site Admin
Mensajes: 3474
Registrado: Mar May 29, 2007 4:32 pm
#NAF: 11535
Ubicación: En un bar

Re: Clonación de miniaturas !!!!!

Mensaje por Chou »

Hackerbunny escribió:Y se ha quedado el hilo silencioso, cual escena del Oeste Americano.

Pasa un matojo rodante impulsado por el viento...

Están todos vigilandose y esperando el primer disparo...
Ahora posteamos una foto del orco borroso de Txapo, diciendo que es una vaca clonada de Gaspez, y ríete tú de la que se lía :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Mi voz de admin es roja.
Mensajes: 1764
Registrado: Jue Dic 27, 2007 3:30 pm
#NAF: 13213

Re: Clonación de miniaturas !!!!!

Mensaje por tzoscey »

tener en cuenta que cuando las cosas estan tensas cualquier escusa vale para saltar a la espalda del otro

eso si lo del jaker no me lo creo ni harto de absenta xD
pero claro si impact se da por aludido ... como era el refran del agua del rio? xD

no chou , no les suelen dar "caña", de hecho a mi me da la sensacion rolljordan es quien saca mas novedades en el TFF xD pero cuando te "pones a malas" con galak y galak esta omnipresente en TFF... pues hay cosas qe pasan, como en todas las sectas, foros o camarillas
"Sangre a la Sangre"
"Soy el Rey del Empate" xD
NAF : 13213
Mensajes: 1845
Registrado: Mar Dic 12, 2006 10:17 pm
#NAF: 10502
Ubicación: Mángala

Re: Clonación de miniaturas !!!!!

Mensaje por Cabezacubo »

¿Hay sector Guay en el TFF? :twisted:
Leyenda del BB
Leyenda del BB
Mensajes: 7875
Registrado: Dom Jul 17, 2005 10:19 pm
#NAF: 7407
Ubicación: El Prat, también conocido por "el Mónaco Español"

Re: Clonación de miniaturas !!!!!

Mensaje por Pakulkan »

Cabezacubo escribió:¿Hay sector Guay en el TFF? :twisted:
El Prat de Llobregat a la Eurobowl. Con eso te lo digo todo... :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Mi voz de flamer es rosa

In twenty two years playing Bloodbowl...
Mensajes: 166
Registrado: Mar Oct 19, 2010 10:22 am
#NAF: 15374
Ubicación: La Pérfida Albión

Re: Clonación de miniaturas !!!!!

Mensaje por Hackerbunny »

Sin tomar partido por nadie, tambien es cierto que Impact se da por aludido porque Gaspez ha dicho todo menos el nombre.

"Empresa Americana de minis de Blood Bowl con la que no colaboro desde Julio 2010"

Blanco y en botella...

Leche, horchata, o yogur para beber... O pis de troll de nieve :D
Hackerbunny, anteriormente conocido como Fnord.

Perpetrador del fantabuloso Tratado de Hackerbunny-Fnord sobre la probabilidad y el Blood Bowl