Noticia Bomba!!! La Nueva Edicion en Junio

Todos los años, el Comité de Reglas del juego se reune para probar nuevas reglas experimentales, y dar oficialidad a otras. REGLAS OFICIALES: LRB 6.0

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Mensajes: 384
Registrado: Jue Mar 04, 2004 11:06 am
#NAF: 7313
Ubicación: Bilbao

Mensaje por Aitor »

Kafre es Ispurio escribió:Si pero ya no es un personaje especial. Es un posicional propio del equipo:

0-2 Asesino 90,000 6347 Perseguir, Puñal. Generales y Agilidad (Pase y Fuerza)
dani112233 escribió:lo q no me parece bien es q pillen de fuerza... si eres elfo, eres elfo, no puedes andar encima por ahi con golpe mortifero y defensa
Supongo que con los paréntesis se refiere a que puede cogerlas si saca dobles
Bilbali Blood Bowl Cup
NAF member #7313
Mensajes: 1614
Registrado: Dom Mar 20, 2005 11:08 pm
#NAF: 5773
Ubicación: Barcelona

Mensaje por Mitico »

Última edición por Mitico el Vie Ene 27, 2006 11:34 pm, editado 2 veces en total.
Mensajes: 1614
Registrado: Dom Mar 20, 2005 11:08 pm
#NAF: 5773
Ubicación: Barcelona

Mensaje por Mitico »

Hola que tal:

Se esta hablando que el equipo elfo oscuro puede perder potencial con los asesino?... joder eso creo que si quieren,o sea me esplico: siguen con 4 corredores,2 ¿verdad? pues si ademas se pillan asesinos pues si crees que pierden pues con no cogerlos ya esta...( pero bueno hablamos que pierden fuerza yo eso no lo veo tan claro y si veo que un asesino es una maquina contra silvanos y receptores,o sea que esto de perder es mas hipotetico que otra cosa )

O sea que eso para mi no es que pierdan, si no todo lo contrario.
Mensajes: 172
Registrado: Jue Ene 12, 2006 1:18 am

Mensaje por GalakStarscraper »

Alfheimer escribió:Galak, here is what the last two pages are all about:

We all agree that rising zombie's price from 30k to 40k is indeed a great fix for the undead, but as was stated before necromantics suffers too much from this, and so what lei has come up with is: what about making mummies a loner player? That would also reduce their power, and zombies could remain as a 30k player. Khemri would be another issue, but you could remove loner from them as mummies are the team, just like ogres.

Another solution would be removing zombies from the roster, but we understand that won't happen, because then the undead team wouldn't make any sense.
JJ does not want Mummies on the Necro team or Zombies to leave it. Those design changes are outside what I can do. However if you still think Necro is weak ... could someone translate this poll and post it on this forum in the same poll order, then I can compare the results. Please ask your forum members to only vote in one of the two polls ... thanks. ... p?p=336231
We would also like to know how are high elves doing in your league so far, as some people have the feeling that the new rulebook is a bit unfair with them when compared to the dark elves.
Many of the tabletop leagues have reported that the High Elves are doing the best of all the Elf teams in their leagues. So was that unfair as in the High Elf have more than the Dark Elves or unfair in that the High Elfs are so much better than Dark Elves? Not sure which one you are asking.

Mensajes: 172
Registrado: Jue Ene 12, 2006 1:18 am

Mensaje por GalakStarscraper »

Pakulkan escribió:Ok, I'm really agree with the changes on the Halfling team, but I think that this team will be the really weak team altough you make lots of changes on it. The point is: Do more changes! Add more secret weapons or one positional! Halfling teams don't win matches as normally, 'cause of that, a Halfling coach take this team for play bizarre matches. Two or three new things don't make Halfling teams overpowered :wink:
The fact that now you can design a league Halfling team that gets Deeproot pretty much guaranteed for every single game is a huge bonus to this team already. Careful team planning and you'll be able to get Deeproot and the Master Chef every game if you want. So there are some good extras already for the team. Its still a tough team to play but I think we gave the team some good pluses. Good sign of this improvement ... Halflings are 8th out of the 21 races for Average Casualties caused per a game (fear the power of the Flings)

Mensajes: 141
Registrado: Vie Ago 27, 2004 1:31 pm
Ubicación: Bilbao

Mensaje por Alfheimer »

GalakStarscraper escribió:
Alfheimer escribió:Galak, here is what the last two pages are all about:

We all agree that rising zombie's price from 30k to 40k is indeed a great fix for the undead, but as was stated before necromantics suffers too much from this, and so what lei has come up with is: what about making mummies a loner player? That would also reduce their power, and zombies could remain as a 30k player. Khemri would be another issue, but you could remove loner from them as mummies are the team, just like ogres.

Another solution would be removing zombies from the roster, but we understand that won't happen, because then the undead team wouldn't make any sense.
JJ does not want Mummies on the Necro team or Zombies to leave it. Those design changes are outside what I can do. However if you still think Necro is weak ... could someone translate this poll and post it on this forum in the same poll order, then I can compare the results. Please ask your forum members to only vote in one of the two polls ... thanks. ... p?p=336231
Alright, I didn't explain myself pretty well, the idea was not to remove mummies from the roster, but to give them the "loner" trait (or extraordinary), just as ogres.

About the poll, here is the link to the spanish version: ... 7506#87506

Galak dice que en ningún momento piensan eliminar las momias o los zombies del roster no muerto, Jervis no lo quiere así y por tanto está fuera de su alcance. Por otro lado, respecto al asunto de los necrománticos, nos insta a poner otro tema que en que hace una encuesta sobre posibilidades para mejorar el equipo.

Aquí está la encuesta (si votais en éste no voteis en el de TBBL) ... 7506#87506

Yo le digo que la idea no era eliminar las momias, sino darles el rasgo "individualista" (loner), como los ogros.

GalakStarscraper escribió:
We would also like to know how are high elves doing in your league so far, as some people have the feeling that the new rulebook is a bit unfair with them when compared to the dark elves.
Many of the tabletop leagues have reported that the High Elves are doing the best of all the Elf teams in their leagues. So was that unfair as in the High Elf have more than the Dark Elves or unfair in that the High Elfs are so much better than Dark Elves? Not sure which one you are asking.
The opinion over here was that High elves lost in the comparison against dark elves, but it's an untested one, so we'll see.

En la mayoría de ligas de tablero los altos elfos son el equipo que mejor lo están haciendo hasta ahora, así que no está seguro de si yo me refería a que la opinión era que estaban por debajo de los oscuros o por encima, así que yo le aclaro que la idea era que estaban por debajo, pero que estamos por probarlo todavía.
Última edición por Alfheimer el Sab Ene 28, 2006 12:28 am, editado 1 vez en total.
Mensajes: 141
Registrado: Vie Ago 27, 2004 1:31 pm
Ubicación: Bilbao

Mensaje por Alfheimer »

GalakStarscraper escribió:
Pakulkan escribió:Ok, I'm really agree with the changes on the Halfling team, but I think that this team will be the really weak team altough you make lots of changes on it. The point is: Do more changes! Add more secret weapons or one positional! Halfling teams don't win matches as normally, 'cause of that, a Halfling coach take this team for play bizarre matches. Two or three new things don't make Halfling teams overpowered :wink:
The fact that now you can design a league Halfling team that gets Deeproot pretty much guaranteed for every single game is a huge bonus to this team already. Careful team planning and you'll be able to get Deeproot and the Master Chef every game if you want. So there are some good extras already for the team. Its still a tough team to play but I think we gave the team some good pluses. Good sign of this improvement ... Halflings are 8th out of the 21 races for Average Casualties caused per a game (fear the power of the Flings)

El hecho de que ahora puedas montarte un equipo de halflings que puede jugar con Raízprofunda Ramafuerte casi seguro en cada partido ya es un gran bonus para este equipo. Si lo planificas con cuidado tendrás a Raízprofunda y al Maestro cocinero todos los partidos si quieres, así que de hecho sí que hay buenos extras para el equipo. Aún es complicado jugar con ellos, pero creo que le hemos dado un buen empujón. Un buen síntoma de esta mejora... los Halflings son el octavo equipo entre 21 en cuanto a bajas causadas por partido (temed el poder halfling!).
Mensajes: 172
Registrado: Jue Ene 12, 2006 1:18 am

Mensaje por GalakStarscraper »

Alfheimer escribió:Alright, I didn't explain myself pretty well, the idea was not to remove mummies from the roster, but to give them the "loner" trait (or extraordinary), just as ogres.
As much as that sounds interesting to me (really) ... I'm pretty sure the Undead and Khemri players that already are threatening me via email over taking away their General skills would take me out permanently and given that I'm no one ... I'm pretty sure the assassin wouldn't cost much.

We would also like to know how are high elves doing in your league so far, as some people have the feeling that the new rulebook is a bit unfair with them when compared to the dark elves.
Ah okay ... across ALL the playtest leagues that I have talked to so far the High Elf teams were doing better than the Dark Elf teams ... in my league its pretty close with High Elves just slightly better for win %.

Mensajes: 141
Registrado: Vie Ago 27, 2004 1:31 pm
Ubicación: Bilbao

Mensaje por Alfheimer »

GalakStarscraper escribió:
Alfheimer escribió:Alright, I didn't explain myself pretty well, the idea was not to remove mummies from the roster, but to give them the "loner" trait (or extraordinary), just as ogres.
As much as that sounds interesting to me (really) ... I'm pretty sure the Undead and Khemri players that already are threatening me via email over taking away their General skills would take me out permanently and given that I'm no one ... I'm pretty sure the assassin wouldn't cost much.

Por mucho que sea una posibilidad que me resulte interesante (de verdad), estoy seguro de que los jugadores de no muertos y khemri que ya me están machacando por email por quitarles el acceso a generales a las momias me odiarían profundamente de manera definitiva, y dado que no soy nadie... el asesino no saldría demasiado caro...

GalakStarscraper escribió:
We would also like to know how are high elves doing in your league so far, as some people have the feeling that the new rulebook is a bit unfair with them when compared to the dark elves.
Ah okay ... across ALL the playtest leagues that I have talked to so far the High Elf teams were doing better than the Dark Elf teams ... in my league its pretty close with High Elves just slightly better for win %.


Ah, vale, en todas las ligas con las que he hablado hasta ahora los altos elfos lo están haciendo mejor que los oscuros hasta ahora. En mi liga están muy igualados, si bien los altos tienen un porcentaje de victorias levemente superior.
Dark Duke
Site Admin
Site Admin
Mensajes: 2051
Registrado: Vie Ago 29, 2003 4:03 am
#NAF: 2925
Ubicación: Valencia

Mensaje por Dark Duke »

GalakStarscraper escribió:As much as that sounds interesting to me (really) ... I'm pretty sure the Undead and Khemri players that already are threatening me via email over taking away their General skills would take me out permanently and given that I'm no one ... I'm pretty sure the assassin wouldn't cost much.
But what Alfheimer has proposed is give Loner skill only for the mummies of Undead team (and as you explained before that all the players that have the same name must have the same skills, Alfheimer has compared this "mummies case" with "ogres case" due to the fact that ogres of Ogre team don't have Loner, but ogres of Human team have it)
So Khemri players will not take part in the collection for the assassin :lol:

Le explico a Galak que lo que propone Alfheimer es darle la habilidad Loner sólo a las momias del roster Undead, no para el de Khemri y le recuerdo la comparación con los ogros que los del equipo ogro no tienen esta habilidad pero sí el del equipo humano
Life is short, block fast
PINK POWER MEMBER!!! (yo soy Pink)
Mi voz de moderador es roja (hubiera molado rosa, pero no me tomaríais en serio) :P
Site Admin
Site Admin
Mensajes: 1888
Registrado: Jue Jun 13, 2002 8:34 pm
#NAF: 272

Mensaje por Kafre »

So if you give Loner to the Mummies in the undead team, you coul give them back General Habilities and pump up the Khemry team.

Si les das Solitario a las momias del equipo No muerto, podrias devolverles las Habilidades Generales y mejorar el equipo de Khemry.

Soy el peor jugador del Blood Bowl que conozco y verdadero adepto de Nuffle.
Ah, también soy admin, temed mi voz roja insensatos.
Apòstol de Bacus
Mensajes: 1730
Registrado: Vie May 02, 2003 8:37 pm
#NAF: 1991
Ubicación: Barcelona

Mensaje por Apòstol de Bacus »

Kafre es Ispurio escribió: So if you give Loner to the Mummies in the undead team, you coul give them back General Habilities and pump up the Khemry team.
Kafre, you mean giving back General Skills ONLY to the Khemri Mummies, right? If you mean that, I totally agree with you. I think Undead Mummies with no General skills is a great idea. Instead, is unfair for Khemri teams that their Mummies can't get General skills. Khemri team has never looked overpowered to me. No need to make it weaker.

I also agree with giving Loner only to undead mummies. Not to Khemri mummies.

Kafre, te refieres a devolver habilidades generales SÓLO a las momias Khemri, no? Si te refieres a eso, estoy totalmente de acuerdo contigo. Creo que las momias undead sin Hab. Gen. son una gran idea. En cambio, es injusto para lso euipos Khemri qeu sus momias no tengan acceso a Hab. Generales. El roster Khemri nunca me ha parecido un roster chollo, no hace falta debilitarlo.

También estoy a favor de dar "loner" a los momias undead. No a las Khemri.
Dark Duke escribió: So Khemri players will not take part in the collection for the assassin :lol:
Right, Galak! You wouldn't have to worry about the Khemri coaches. But be aware of the Undead coaches if you make these changes! :lol:

Eso es, Galak! No te deberías preocupar de los entrenadores Khemri. Pero ten cuidado con los entrenadores no muermos si realizas estos cambios! :lol:
NAF Member #1991 El TRIDENTE no ha muerto, Yeti todavía juega Dije que iba a montar el p*to Corte Inglés del BB... y lo hice
Site Admin
Site Admin
Mensajes: 1888
Registrado: Jue Jun 13, 2002 8:34 pm
#NAF: 272

Mensaje por Kafre »

No, me refiero a devolverles a ambas el acceso a generales pero ponerles "Solitario" a las No Muertas.

No, Im saying (since both must have the same stat and hability access) that Galak could give them both back the General access and give only to the Undead Mummies the Loner hability.

Soy el peor jugador del Blood Bowl que conozco y verdadero adepto de Nuffle.
Ah, también soy admin, temed mi voz roja insensatos.
Site Admin
Site Admin
Mensajes: 1888
Registrado: Jue Jun 13, 2002 8:34 pm
#NAF: 272

Mensaje por Kafre »

Estaba pensando antes (cosa rara en mi) que una de las cosas que preocupan a Galak es que el Mago es desproporcionadamente bueno para lo que cuesta y que estaba pensando en subirle el precio. ¿Por que en lugar de esto, no hace que el mago de acceso a una determinada cantidad de cartas de objeto mágico?

I was thinking (strange thing as could be) that one of the things that concerned you (GalaK) was that the Wizard is overpowered and you were thinking about increase his prize. Why not instead, make the Wizard give a limited acces to Magic Items Special Play Cards? Because Im sure that most of the Coaches and BB players need help to use them (not very high IQ needed to play Blood Bowl, indeed)

One last thing, the new Optional League Rules NEEEEEEED some background stuff (like the old League Cap or something). Because they look a little crappy in a single page.

Una ultima cosa, las nuevas Reglas Opcionales de Liga NECESIIIIIIIIIIIIITAN algo de trasfondo (como el antiguo Tope de Liga o asi). Por que quedan un poco crutres asi en una unica pagina.

Soy el peor jugador del Blood Bowl que conozco y verdadero adepto de Nuffle.
Ah, también soy admin, temed mi voz roja insensatos.
Mensajes: 172
Registrado: Jue Ene 12, 2006 1:18 am

Mensaje por GalakStarscraper »

Kafre es Ispurio escribió:Una ultima cosa, las nuevas Reglas Opcionales de Liga NECESIIIIIIIIIIIIITAN algo de trasfondo (como el antiguo Tope de Liga o asi). Por que quedan un poco crutres asi en una unica pagina.
No room. The rulebook cannot be more than 80 pages long (which is what it is exactly right now). I don't have room to add non-rules related matter to this page or the Frequently Asked Questions page.

As for the Mummies. In repeated surveys I've seen the Khemri are always the number one voted team to be removed from the game of Blood Bowl if we had to delete a team.

The reason of this is there virtually unequaled ability to hand out CAS. To help make the team more able to score and less able to kill we removed General from the Mummies, decreased the price of the Blitz-Ra, and decreased the price of the Thro-Ra while at the same time INCREASING his Movement. So giving Khemri back General for the Mummies is not on my list as this was the team we really wanted it gone from.

The Mummies on the Undead losing General is a side effect. However we gave the Wights Strength access so the team lost something but gain something as well. Probably more loss than gain I agree, but we tried to offset the side effect.
