Shades of Black
Update #44 · Sep. 18, 2012 · 8 comments
The Z'zor MVP - possibly called Ludwig - and the coaches are in!
Ludwig is a winged monstrosity revered for his grumpiness and sulking. Chants of "Cheer up bug!" are often aimed at him if the opposing team score and he's not averse to leaping into the crowd and letting the fans know "what he thinks" (which usually involves lots of pushing, shoving and occassionally disembowling).
On the pitch Ludwig uses his wings to great effect, often feinting a move only to flit around the other side of a player and slam them to the ground from another direction. Ludwig has defined the Sucker Punch in modern-age DreadBall.
Ludwig has now been added free to Jack and Striker! as well as with every Z'zor team picked up with a pledge of Guard! Coaches are also in and have been added to the extra on the main page!
Right then, let's tackle this bad boy:
$282,500 - Nightshade, Season 2 MVP
Rumored to be the child of former Asterian DreadBall star Iga Kizawa – or as some unsavory individuals in the sport claim, a clone of Iga himself – the Striker known only as Nightshade has quietly been making a name for himself over the last couple of cycles – very quietly in fact, as Nightshade is famed for never making a sound.
The most iconic thing about Nightshade is his sculpted body suit – custom DreadBall armour around which the air shifts and swirls as it moves. Technicians theorize that there is some kind of anti-matter projector that allows Nightshade to manipulate not just the ball but also his very appearance, making it incredibly difficult for him to be caught.
Sowing confusion and fear in opposing players is his primary tactic. Blackouts in stadiums have been momentarily reported only for the floodlights to burst back into life just at the moment that Nightshade has found himself in the Strike zone, hurling the ball into the Strike hex. Officials have tried to question Nightshade about these “events,” but he refuses to speak of them.
Asterian teams in the league have taken a lot of damaging criticism for Nightshade’s questionably immoral take on the sport and distance themselves from him at every mention. Leading Asterian coaches have said they would refuse his services, no matter how many points he has accumulated in his relatively short career.
If we hit this stretch goal we'll sculpt and produce Nightshade - a limited edition Kickstarter MVP (you'll only be able to pick him up on Kickstarter and one or two other places as well) - and we'll add him to Jack and Striker!