Rolljordan - Kickstarter - Chaos Dwarf and Necro teams

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Registrado: Dom Ene 18, 2009 8:37 pm
Ubicación: Italy

Rolljordan - Kickstarter - Chaos Dwarf and Necro teams

Mensaje por rolljordan »

Last night I managed to load the KS to fund the molding and remake of the Volmarian Chaos Dwarf and Necro team.

New molds are currently beeing done, and I have already hired a few sculptors to make new models to expand the range like we did in the previous Indiegogo for the Slann and Silvania.
As we did earlier, all models are beeing revised, improved and remolded to obtain when possible less parts to a mini, better details and increased overall look.
Also new models where commisioned to expand and improve (I hope it will :)...) the overall look. 2 new werewolfs are beeing made on the base of the original Rolljordan Werewolf that I believe fits great in the team, and 2 new wight also are on the way.
Meanwhile Alessio Cisbani is working on a new minotaur model.

Note that the KS price is one of a time deal from us. A good example was the previous Indiegogo for the first two teams. Pledgers saved quite a lot of $$$ on the teams and got several rewards at the end. Our policy is not to give crazy discounts during the year to protect our resellers from unfair competition, so the KS is your only chance to get such big discounts and get some exclusive models available only during the campaign (there are a few coming).

If you are curious here is a link. ... ntasy-foot

Some of the deals:

and the combo. About 140€ for 2 complete teams with some big guys in it...
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