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Re: WORLD CUP 3-6 Oct 2019 Inscripciones NOVEDADES!!!
Publicado: Vie Dic 21, 2018 12:45 pm
por tojurub
Today is a day to remember the good ol' days, when the World Cup was a small, family atmospheric event and was still considered the largest Blood Bowl tournamnet ever. Nowadays, numbers of certain tournaments in Spain and France reach the numbers easily, at least it seems so. Then @Andrea Parella came and organized the World Cup in Lucca at a time when Blood Bowl wasn't supported for years and people believed it was going to die. @Andrea Parella and his group put an event together that not only doubled the numbers of the previous World Cup, but the organization went flawless and it left coaches and visitors in awe for the weeks and months afterwards. Many people believe that the World Cup in Lucca opened the eyes of Games Workshop about what great product they had ignored for the past years. Lucca was an impressive display of how great the Blood Bowl community is and that they stick together, supported or not, and enjoy an extended weekend of not only playing the game they love (and/or hate), but meeting friends, making new friends from other countries and continents, and have a beer (or water for the poor designated driver souls) with their opponents and laugh about their mishaps when Nuffle showed them their boundaries.
Let me personally thank Andrea and his team again for the great Blood Bowl event they have organized and I hope that people will enjoy Dornbirn as much as they have enjoyed Lucca, just with even more Blood Bowlers, because today Lucca became only the second largest tournament in the World. Congratulations to winning the silver medal and I hope in 4 years time my team and I can feel as proud as him to be "only" second.
(actual number of coaches: 929)
Re: WORLD CUP 3-6 Oct 2019 Inscripciones NOVEDADES!!!
Publicado: Mar Ene 08, 2019 7:57 pm
por dreamscreator
Gente, por si acaso. Tan sólo quedan plazas para 35 equipos más.
Ya son 1200 los inscritos. Va a ser un torneo enorme
Re: WORLD CUP 3-6 Oct 2019 Inscripciones NOVEDADES!!!
Publicado: Lun Ene 14, 2019 10:57 am
por kewan
Fecha límite 31/1/19. Por favor recordar que en esa fecha termina laninscripcion con descuento. Hace poco publicaron que hay pocas plazas libres, menos de 35, si queréis ir a la WC corred insensatos
Re: WORLD CUP 31/1/19 termina inscripción con descuento
Publicado: Mar Ene 22, 2019 11:12 am
por soulforged
he abierto un hilo nuevo en la sección de NAF/Torneos para buscar equipo para el mundial pero por si acaso también escribo aquí que este tema parece más actual y seguido. Si no corresponde se borra.
Un saludo.
Re: WORLD CUP 31/1/19 termina inscripción con descuento
Publicado: Mar Ene 22, 2019 11:39 am
por Pandiani
soulforged escribió:Buenas,
he abierto un hilo nuevo en la sección de NAF/Torneos para buscar equipo para el mundial pero por si acaso también escribo aquí que este tema parece más actual y seguido. Si no corresponde se borra.
Un saludo.
Creo que en la propia web del evento puedes apuntarte como jugador sin equipo y luego ellos ya te buscaran uno, entiendo que miraran de agrupar gente del mismo país. Quizas allí este más explicado
Re: WORLD CUP 31/1/19 termina inscripción con descuento
Publicado: Jue Abr 04, 2019 8:36 am
por tojurub
While people are waiting for the publication of the final numbers, here is some reading material:
The orga, the refs and the NAF committee have been taking about the need of chess clocks. Here is the guideline we came up with:
- There is no necessity for a mandatory chess clock for every game.
- Every coach has the right to ask their opponents to use a chess clock for the game, but he opponent has the right to refuse. This has to be accepted.
- The referees will supervise all games and tell coaches if they are running into a major delay.
- After 1 hour of game time, a coach may demand the use of a chess clock if the referee is the opinion that the game is delayed to an extend that they would not finish in time (the decision about being delayes is with the referees, not the coaches)
If you are travelling by car, please be advised that you need to pay toll stickers for Switzerland and Austria if you want to use the Autobahn. If you come from Zurich, an Austrian sticker might not be needed, unless you plan to do some sight seeing in Germany or Southern Vorarlberg. If you come from Germany, it is highly recommended to take a 10-day sticker. There is a way through the cities, but it's highly stressfull if you have travelled already seveal hours. I would not trust Google maps on driving time through Bregenz and Lauterach.
We will offer shuttle buses from Zurich airport on October 3 and October 7. A one-way-ticket will cost not more than 25 EUR. For the other airports the demand was not big enough to rent a bus. We will work out other means of transportation from Munich, Stuttgart, Memmingen and Friedrichshafen airports. Please take a look at the website after April 16, we will put up a shuttle bus booking page.
SHUTTLES BUSSES during the event.
There will be shuttle busses going every 30min to our partner hotels in Dornbirn, Bregenz and Hard. The shuttle busses will be running just before game time and then in the evening again. We ask all coaches to also use the early busses and not everybody cram into the last bus (that will not work). Coaches who are not staying in the partner hotels, can also use the shuttles, but have to walk to the bus stops. A map with all the bus stops will be published in summer.
Due to the fairly strict European data protection laws, we will only publish a list of squad names later this month. Coach nicknames will only be published after a coach has given their written consent. Forms will be provided on the website later this month. For all the people moaning: In Lucca there was no coach list published as well, so stop whining
Every coach will get a dice set of 6 dice: 3 Block dice, 2 six sided dice and 1 eight sided die. The dice are made by official partner Akaro Dice, which will also be present at the event. While the use of these dice is not mandatory, we kindly ask you to use them during the event to avoid possible discussions about broken or shaved dice. We also ask to use a dice cup (not plastic withou felt inside) or a dice tower for the same reason. Also, discuss BEFORE a game about what is considered a cocked or stacked dice and how you will handle it (all dice rolled again or only the cocked/stacked ones)
We will have a special Hurry-Up song composed by Holger Seidemann of musicSound®. Once you hear that song, it's time to get your game done fast. Holger will also compose a special World Cup Hymn for us.
Re: WORLD CUP 31/1/19 termina inscripción con descuento
Publicado: Lun Abr 15, 2019 7:32 am
por tojurub
Updated Time table for the World Cup.
Check Website for nicer display.
Next upcoming milestone:
August 16, 2019: Deadline to Submit rosters
THURSDAY, October 3rd
Venue is open 16:00-22:00
Registration possible 16:00-22:00
Official Reception 18:30-19:30
Player's Party with Blue Moon Blues Band 19:30-21:00
FRIDAY, October 4th
Venue is open 8:00-21:00
Opening Ceremony 8:45-9:15
GAME 1: 9:30-12:00
Lunch available 11:30-13:00
GAME 2: 13:00-15:30
GAME 3: 16:00-18:30
Euro Bowl Captain's Meeting (Backstage Lounge) 19:00-20:30
SATURDAY, October 5th
Venue is open 8:00-21:00
GAME 4: 9:30-12:00
Lunch available 11:30-13:00
GAME 5: 13:00-15:30
GAME 6: 16:00-18:30
SUNDAY, October 6th
Venue is open 8:00-21:00
GAME 7: 9:00-11:30
Lunch available 11:00-12:30
GAME 8: 12:30-15:00
GAME 9: 15:30-18:00
Award & Closing Ceremony 18:30-19:45
Re: WORLD CUP 31/1/19 termina inscripción con descuento
Publicado: Jue May 23, 2019 6:24 am
por tojurub
For all the coaches, which travel by plane to Zurich (ZRH) , Munich (MUC), Memmingen (FMM) or Friedrichshafen (FDH):
you can sign up for an airport transfer of each of the mentioned airports on our website (Info -> Reserva de traslado al aeropuerto). From Zurich there will be a shuttle bus (max. 25€ per direction), from the others we will have group tickets on the train (also 25€ or less)
Re: WORLD CUP 31/1/19 termina inscripción con descuento
Publicado: Lun Jul 22, 2019 10:09 am
por tojurub
Hi all,
today we have started to send out the newsletter to all squad captains. All the Spanish captain should have gotten an email already. There was one mistake in the newsletters. The Excel version of the squad roster must be
version 3.2.0 (or later). The version 3.1.0 (as stated in an older version of the newsletter) is not accepted any longer since we can't use automated makros for creating the online rosters with the older versions.
Anyway. If you have not gotten the newsletter (captains only!!!!), look in the Spam folder. If you still haven't gotten it, send me an email to
worldcup4@sbbm-turniere.com. The newsletter was send from a different email account, which will only be for captains
Re: WORLD CUP 31/1/19 termina inscripción con descuento
Publicado: Mié Ago 14, 2019 2:38 pm
por Gronkykong
Yo me quiero apuntar pero no hay plazas...
Si queda una plaza libre de suplente me podeis enviar un whatsapp al 661059303.
Re: WORLD CUP 31/1/19 termina inscripción con descuento
Publicado: Jue Ago 15, 2019 7:55 am
por dreamscreator
Mañana termina el plazo para entregar los rosters. No os durmáis en los laureles que ya han dicho que quien no lo entregue a tiempo tendrá sanciones
Re: WORLD CUP 31/1/19 termina inscripción con descuento
Publicado: Jue Ago 15, 2019 9:10 am
por elpera
The roster submission deadline for the NAF World Cup 4 is *tomorrow* (Friday August 16)
Squad roster submissions should emailed by the team captain.
So far only 44% rosters have been received so there’s lots more to be sent in.
If rosters are not received in time then those teams will be penalised.
Check your World Cup letter (emailed July 22) and https://www.facebook.com/events/216059232222887/?ti=icl to make sure you’ve used the right format and have included the correct information.
Also remember that the email to submit your rosters to is this one:
Lo que viene queriendo decir, que mañana termina el plazo para mandar los rosters, que el capitan lo tiene que juntar todo en unico archivo y enviarlo a la direccion que esta aqui arriba. En la web hay una nueva version del roster, la 3.2.2, descargarosla desde aqui:
http://www.nafworldcup.sbbm-turniere.co ... nload.html
No han llegado aun ni la mitad de los rosters, y los que se retrasen tendran una penalizacion, vete tu a saber cual.
Re: WORLD CUP 31/1/19 termina inscripción con descuento
Publicado: Jue Ago 15, 2019 9:56 am
por kewan
La penalizacion es jugar sin habilidades durante todo el torneo
https://www.talkfantasyfootball.org/vie ... &start=195
No extra skills
Re: WORLD CUP 31/1/19 termina inscripción con descuento
Publicado: Jue Ago 15, 2019 1:00 pm
por dreamscreator
Y comentaron que por favor no se cambie ni el orden ni el nombre de las pestañas, sólo el nombre del archivo
Re: WORLD CUP 31/1/19 termina inscripción con descuento
Publicado: Mié Sep 11, 2019 11:33 pm
por Terrywolfbogard
Buenas noches señores. Resulta que un miembro de nuestro equipo para el mundial (Los Desterrados) se cae y no puede venir. Tenemos una plaza libre por si alguien está interesado. Ya diréis si alguien está a la espera de poder ir. Si no la semana que viene ya contactaré con la organización.