Tipos de resina

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Estrella Emergente
Estrella Emergente
Mensajes: 3498
Registrado: Lun Ene 16, 2006 7:25 pm
#NAF: 9096
Ubicación: mislata

Re: Tipos de resina

Mensaje por Willy »

franarcilla escribió: Soy muy pro metal....pero reconozco que las de resina(buena y bien hecha) me han sorprendido con los minimos detalles que pocas veces he visto en metal si es que llega ahí.
Cuando te envie la copia en resina y en metal del esqueleto con cuchillo ... vas y me cuentas , esta semana te lo envio ;) vas a dejar de ser pro metal por la via rápida .
Mensajes: 172
Registrado: Jue Ene 12, 2006 1:18 am

Re: Tipos de resina

Mensaje por GalakStarscraper »

Willy escribió: Impact! ha sido pionera en equipos low cost ( a cada uno su mérito ) toca repetir miniaturas en el mismo equipo ( a mi eso no me gusta nada) toca pagar poco a escultores ( a mi eso me gusta menos todavia ) toca hacer mucho de diseño 3D (siempre que el resultado final tenga un nivel aceptable no lo veo mal ) y toca buscar casteadores baratos , esto es la parte mas delicada ,
Just wanted to respond to the one item that Willy said he really did not approve of ... us paying sculptors little money if I read it correctly.

If we have hired a professional sculptor to do work for us we have always paid the full rate they charge. We have a program at Impact for amateur sculptors. If they have work they have completed and it is rougher than what a professional would create (which it is probably is) such that normally they would have difficulties selling it to a company ... we offer to pay for all the moulding to create the work and then pay the sculptor based on how well it sells. We don't force this program on anyone. I have offered it to sculptors whose work is not selling as an alternative if they have problems selling the figures (like the Necrom Nurgle team) but even then I always say ... if you can sell it for a better price go for it. For the amateur work we offer to pay up to $15 per mm for the figure through this program if sales are good enough which is much much more than they would have normally received. This means for a normal human sized figure we could pay $450 to $480 USD per a figure at the end of the contract. If the figures do not sell well ... it could take a very long time for that amount of money to happen ... but the agreement is there. So I fail to understand how Willy can say we pay little to our sculptors unless he really did not understand the program we offer. I pay full rate just like Willy does when I get my figures professionally sculpted but I also offer a chance to amateurs that just want to see their work get out there to do so. The newest example of this was Kalle's Ogre team which we had on KickStarter. Amateur sculpts ... no where near the quality that Francillara or Pedro could produce but he just wanted to see them get produced so his friends could get copies and he thinks the fact that he is also getting 10% of the sales for something he did for fun is just incredible (to quote him). So I just wanted to defend this point ... I do not ever want a reputation that we screw over sculptors ... that has never been true and in fact the whole point of the targeted Impact! program was to help sculptors get more money ... money for work they most likely would not have received much money for at all.

As for repeating figures in a team ... yeah ... I wish we always had the budget to make teams filled with different figures. But the bottom line for me is that I rely on Impact! as my only income source to pay all the bills each month and as a result I have to watch every penny we spend so that I don't lose the house or the heat. Professional sculpting even 3-D is not inexpensive and as a result cutting 6 figures from making a new team can easily mean a savings of $2000 which is a little more than one mortgage payment or 3 months of my family medical insurance. So yes ... I wish I could always make 16 figures when we make new teams ... but there is not enough profit in this business to do that and still pay the bills. Some day ... I hope to have more than $100 in my family saving account ... and I hope that we have the extra funds from Impact! profit that I can make 16 player new teams ... but for now I still juggle the finances every month to make ends meet so have to cut it down to 10 new figures when we make new teams.


P.S. ... I will note that Google translate might have translated Willy's post poorly and I've sent a private message to make sure I am responding correctly to his statement as the reputation of Impact! is just very important to me. If Google Translate blew the translation ... I'll gladly edit/delete the post. And to be clear ... I did not read Willy's statement as hostile to Impact! ... but if he really thinks we underpay sculptors (which to me is an abuse of the arts) ... I just really wanted to correct that.
Estrella Emergente
Estrella Emergente
Mensajes: 3498
Registrado: Lun Ene 16, 2006 7:25 pm
#NAF: 9096
Ubicación: mislata

Re: Tipos de resina

Mensaje por Willy »

GalakStarscraper escribió: Just wanted to respond to the one item that Willy said he really did not approve of ... us paying sculptors little money if I read it correctly.
Voy a explicarme mejor , no me refiero que usted regatee o intente engañar a los escultores , significa que para que los numeros salgan es imposible vender equipos a 35$ y pagar a escultores de la talla de Pedro o Franarcilla . No era una critica , ni un mensaje hostil , era una lista de medidas que hay que tomar para conseguir es precio de venta al público .
GalakStarscraper escribió: If we have hired a professional sculptor to do work for us we have always paid the full rate they charge.

Es verdad , totalmente correcto .
GalakStarscraper escribió: We don't force this program on anyone

Desde luego .
GalakStarscraper escribió: I have offered it to sculptors whose work is not selling as an alternative if they have problems selling the figures (like the Necrom Nurgle team)

es otro recurso muy bueno para poder conseguir equipos a buen precio , o recomprar miniaturas a torneos tambien es una muy buena idea , un buen precio y una buena plataforma de venta puede ser un buen revulsivo para esos equipos que no han tenido tiron .
GalakStarscraper escribió:I also offer a chance to amateurs that just want to see their work get out there to do so

Eso siempre me ha gustado mucho de Impact! , dar una oportunidad a los escultores amateurs .
GalakStarscraper escribió:As for repeating figures in a team ... yeah ... I wish we always had the budget to make teams filled with different figures

Claro , es otro recurso , otra medida a adoptar para conseguir un precio final espectacular .
GalakStarscraper escribió:Professional sculpting even 3-D is not inexpensive
Por supuesto , mi escultor para el equipo del caos aunque modela en 3D no es para nada barato .

Tom , no tome esto como una critica ni un mensaje hostil , sino un listado de medidas que hay que adoptar para conseguir una meta final , hacer un equipo con un precio muy concreto .

Si alguien le puede traducir esto a Tom estaria muy bien , frases como "los numeros salgan" es imposible que lo entienda y mucho menos que google se lo traduzca correctamente .
Última edición por Willy el Lun Ene 13, 2014 1:06 am, editado 1 vez en total.
Mensajes: 172
Registrado: Jue Ene 12, 2006 1:18 am

Re: Tipos de resina

Mensaje por GalakStarscraper »

Actually Willy that translated pretty well.

Okay if you were just describing the efforts we take to create inexpensive teams ... no worries. But I did ask someone who spoke Spanish if the translation was close to that you were suggesting that we did not pay enough to sculptors and that was their understanding as well. So I just wanted to make it clear that I have no issues paying sculptors. Yes if I have a chance to work out a great deal to get miniatures ... I do work out that deal ... but when we hire sculptors we definitely pay for the work.

All good ... as you know Willy reputation is very important in the business and I like to make sure mine is clean.

And yes the bottom line ... I respect your business and I carry your figures because you do pay the extra to get what you sell. Willy Miniatures specializes in haut cuisine and Impact! specializes in being that street cart vendor with the food you love. Both are very imporant to have in the world and I try to leave the haut cuisine to you because you do it well and I focus my energy on a part of the market where no one is playing right now (inexpensive teams). :D